I could tell you that the Mistress concerned hung me from the ceiling and trashed me within an inch of my life, blah blah blah!
Or I can tell you what really happened: I was on the net searching through the usual search engines to find a new Mistress, trying to discount the ones that are going to rip you off. And then I found Agent Ida… wow! I read her site several times to ensure that the weed wasn’t kicking in and that she was for real!
Took a deep breath and booked a session.
When meeting her in the flesh – what a moment! – she towered over me in her killer heels, and her magnificent breasts were bursting out of her top begging to be freed.
Then I confessed all the darkest fantasies, the twisted perversions, you know, the really fucked–up stuff. Ida just listened and took the info on board like you were handing her your shopping list for the local Tesco’s. And before you know it, you’re on your knees, head bowed, totally naked, living the dream! For the next hour or so Ida pushes, pulls, probes and drains. When there’s nothing left in the tank, you’re ready to return to the other world, and are somehow more able to deal with what life throws at you.
So, fellow subs, give yourself a rare treat and book a session with Agent Ida – the true Boudicca of Mistresses.